
Exner Lectures 2024 Programm

Exner Lectures 2024

08:30 Registration Playlist aller Sessions auf you tube hier klicken
09:30 Welcome Remarks
10:00 Sessions:

  • Giulio Superti-Furga, CeMM Wien Biological, chemical and societal engineering for all-round innovation
  • Georg Winter, CeMM Wien Therapeutic Innovation Through Chemical Reprogramming of Cellular Degradation Pathways
  • Martin Jechlinger, EMBL Heidelberg Exploring treatment resistant breast cancer
  • Harald Sitte, MedUni Wien Transport proteins: From structure and function to mechanism

12:00 Lunch Break & Postersession

13:30 Sessions

  • Ferdi Schueth, MPI Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr Heterogeneous Catalysis – a Key Topic in Chemistry between Basic Research and Commercial Application
  • Janine Lichtenberger, AIT Wien Thin film Ag electrodes fabrication for sustainable and high-efficiency electroreduction of CO2 to CO
  • Daniela Söllinger, PLUS Salzburg Hydrated Vanadium Oxide – a Promising Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion- and Sodium-Ion Batteries
  • Peter Weinberger, TU Wien Thermochemical Energy Storage – a Gamechanger to reach the goals of the EU Green Deal

15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Postersession
17:00 Announcement of winners poster competition
17:30 Closing ceremony, cosy finale
18:30 End