Fritz Regler found a mentor in Wilhelm Exner, who supported him in founding the Versuchsanstalt für Röntgentechnische Materialuntersuchung in 1929. In founding the institute, Regler was not only involved as a scientist, but also acted as an entrepreneur, as the foundation was carried out at his own risk.
Regler published more than 90 papers and seven books, including the then standard work “Grundzüge der Röntgenphysik”. His X-ray spectroscopic work, which led to the construction of the ring-film back-radiation method, is also worth mentioning.
Regler rendered special services to the foundation of the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities (today the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities), to the foundation of the Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and to Austria’s accession to the European nuclear research community CERN.