Poster Session


On the occasion of this year’s awarding of the Wilhelm Exner Medal, we invite you to another poster session within the framework of the Exner Lectures:

Pandemics, wars and climate change have made our society acutely aware of its vulnerability in recent years. At the same time, we are gaining a better understanding of how to overcome these challenges.

Against this background, the organizers of the Exner Lectures stick with the interdisciplinary und are inviting submissions for the poster session on “Milestones for a Future Worth Living“. We are looking for innovative technological, social, democratic or societal proposals and solutions to make our future worth living.

The presentation of the posters will take place during the Exner Lectures on 14 May 2024 at the Palais Eschenbach in Vienna. Students, Bachelors, Masters, PhDs and Start-Ups can participate in their respective categories. The best ideas will receive awards and prize money.

DEADLINE for submissions: April 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Extended DEADLINE for submissions: May 06, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Top complete this entry, we’ll ask for your contact information and a text only abstract of your poster (max 2.000 keystrokes). (Do not send in your Poster now! If chosen, bring it in portrait format A0 (841mm x 1189mm) to the lectures.

Each category will be award 300,-/200,-/100,- for the best three posters. Startups will be awarded with a ‘investors breakfast’ by ÖGV.

All submitted poster abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings “Exner Lectures 2024” (ISBN: to be added soon).

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