We live in a world affected by innovation. It is the driving force behind growth and prosperity.
But innovation does not happen in isolation from society. It is part of a complex interplay that requires responsibility, understanding and trust. Science and technology affect our daily lives, our knowledge, our relationships, our ethics, our emotions, our communication, our decisions and therefore our future.
It is up to us to pave the way for our society’s ability to innovate. It is about Social Innovation Responsibility.
The raw materials of our time in Europe, in Austria, are good and courageous ideas. We are rich in discoverers and inventors, both historically and today. There is no lack of bright minds, but there is a lack of understanding, visibility and dialogue between technology and society, between research and business, in order to generate support and even more momentum.
How can we ensure that innovative breakthroughs that change our world are used for the benefit of all? How can we better support the people who create these achievements? How can we make science and its findings more understandable to generate public interest and appreciation? How can we counter misunderstandings and fears? How can we arouse and promote enthusiasm among young people?
The Circle of the Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation is dedicated to these questions. Since 1921, it has been awarding the Wilhelm Exner Medal to outstanding researchers who have moved the world with their developments and discoveries and continue to do so – of the more than 240 recipients of the medal, 25 have also been awarded the Nobel Prize.
Innovation is the miracle of our time. We know very well that more excellence in education and research means more sustainable businesses, more start-ups, more jobs, more investment, more opportunity. Whether we are talking about building fundamental knowledge, basic or applied science, we always get out many times more than we put in.
The Exner Circle creates an awareness of Social Innovation Responsibility. By personal invitation, we bring together researchers and entrepreneurs with a passion for innovation to actively support the Foundation. This unique initiative at the interface of science, technology, entrepreneurship and society is strengthened by all those who actively contribute – ideationally, financially or energetically.
It´s about you. Let’s make the future visible together!
If you are interested in the activities of the Exner Circle and would like to get involved, please write to us at engage@wilhelmexner.org