Cryogenics is also in demand in medicine. Peter Komarek was one of the leading experts in cryogenics, as well as in energy technology, magneto-hydrodynamic energy conversion and nuclear conversion. From 1985 to 2006, he was head of the Institute of Technical Physics at the former Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center. Under him, the ITEP achieved a world-leading position in the field of superconductivity and NMR spectrometry.
Komarek studied technical physics at the Vienna University of Technology. After a year as a university assistant, he moved to the German research facility at Jülich, where he rose to project manager. In 1973, he became a department head at the Karlsruhe Research Center and took charge of the Institute of Technical Physics. For his achievements he received, among others, the Mendelson Award of the Cryogenic Conference. Within ITEP, Komarek was chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council for many years. The physicist was a member of many national and international associations.