Joseph M. DeSimone


Joseph M. DeSimone is a U.S. chemist who has been at the University of North Carolina since 1990, currently as William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Prof. Initially focused on “green chemistry” and environmental issues, the U.S. chemist then concentrated on nanomanufacturing and nanomedicine. He developed PRINT (particle replication in non-wetting templates), a completely new nanofabrication technique, and in 2004 founded Liquidia Technologies, which works on the development of vaccines and drugs based on PRINT.

DeSimone’s third major area is 3D printing, which he has made a revolutionary mark on. He invented continuous liquid interface production (CLIP) technology. CLIP generates parts hundreds of times faster than previous processes. Applications range from components in the automotive industry, aerospace and medicine including dentistry. In 2013, the multiple award-winner founded the 3D printing company Carbon in Silicon Valley, which produces sports shoes together with Adidas, for example.

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